(Re)Discover Your Voice

(re)Discover Your Voice

Singing brings so much joy into our lives. For those who used to sing in college or high school, you remember the joy: no matter how tired or stressed your day was, after rehearsal you leave feeling energized about life and full of joy. For those of you curious about singing, we are a non-audition all-gender chorus with a reputation for warm welcoming of new guests and supporting you on your musical journey.

Please join us for this almost free series of small group music instruction lessons. This is a great way to rediscover your voice, or to discover it for the first time.


  • 6 Tuesdays from April 16th - May 21
  • 6:30pm - 8:00pm, option to stay to the end of rehearsal at 9:30pm if you are having fun and want more singing
  • 2011 1st Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
  • $20 for the full series of lessons
  • opportunity:  you will be invited to sing tags onstage with us at Folklife the weekend May 24-27, 2024

We will provide singing exercises and practice, and cover a broad range of topics: vocal production and health, breath support and phonation, resonance and articulation, register alignment, ensemble singing, and more.  After a one-hour lesson, you will join the chorus to learn "tags" (short songs, often taught by ear) for a short while. Guests can leave at the chorus break, or you can stay until chorus ends at about 9:15 and learn some of our songs. 

Please arrive at 6:15 to sign in.

Sign up here: REGISTER

Questions? Email [email protected]

We look forward to singing with you soon!