
We've been rehearsing at the Queen Anne Baptist Church for many years, and happy to be part of the community there. A handful of other organizations also call the QABC home, including the Co-op Funeral Home of People's Memorial, The Queen Anne Cooperative Preschool, and the Children's Dance Workshop! We all came together for some fun last weekend, to raise money for the church, which needs to replace its boiler this year. It was a fun afternoon, Cheers on a successful Block Party!

We had an incredible time getting coached by Joe Cerutti as a chorus over the Labor Day weekend (see some photos HERE), but that wasn't all. We also spent the evening picking Joe's brain about chorus management and funding, and did some great big-picture thinking about the future of barbershop and the future of membership organizations. We had a great evening, and ended up with so much food for thought!

We had an incredible weekend getting some coaching from Ted! Groups of singers from the chorus spent an hour with Ted over the course of two days, getting guidance and feedback on singing and performance for our competition songs for October. It was incredibly productive and encouraging for all! Thank you so much, Ted!!

Interested in some top notch coaching? Check out his webpage at Ted's Voice Academy.

And cheers to Andy and Kristi for hosting us and providing snacks!

You know that we love having guests join us for rehearsal! This week we had three great guests -- bass John, lead Chris, and Ira (a baritone who's well known in the pacific northwest barbershop world)! We were glad to sing a tag with our two new guests -- here they are singing "I Will Dream of You Til I Die." They did great, as you can hear -- we hope they both come back next week!


With thanks for support from